Having two factories in Probolinggo, Eastern Java, Eratex produces 1,000,000 pieces of woven fashion garments per month. With customers such as Ann Taylor, Polo Ralph Lauren, VF Jeanswear, Billabong, Nautica, Vans, DKNY, Express, Guess and Perry Ellis, they pride themselves on providing in-house washing and finishing to deliver a competitive service and turnaround time.
Managing pre-production activities for numerous customers with different rules is currently challenging when trying to identify priorities. Having no clear visibility can delay production when materials are late due to a late purchase orders placed with their supplier. Eratex realise this won’t be sustainable when trying to grow their business and retain a high quality service. Implementing FastReactPlan will allow Eratex’s employees to plan and track production efficiently and effectively.
“Replacing many manual Excel spreadsheets with the FastReactPlan solution will make production planning easier, analysing data quicker and allowing me to make more accurate decisions.
Mr Frankie Ma Ngon, Chief Operating Officer
The huge advantage that FastReactPlan offers is that in one display we have total visibility of all key production capacity, trims and materials status and the latest WIP data. The system will alert our planners and management of any possible delays of orders allowing them to make adjustments or action plans to meet shipment dates.”
PT. Eratex Djaja
Yunanto Herlaksono, Project Manager, Coats Digital said “Many businesses that I meet are still struggling with the control of pre-production activities. We tend to focus on the last few weeks chasing for material delivery to keep the factory flowing and pushing production to make sure delivery is met. Even though this is the “normal” situation for many businesses, it’s not sustainable.”
“With profit margins getting tighter (the recent wage increase in Jakarta/Surabaya will surely spread to other regions as it did in Thailand) and lead time getting shorter, to win the race we need to pay more attention to the start.
Yunanto Herlaksono, Project Manager
We look forward to showing Eratex how FastReactPlan planning and integrated pre-production and material supply control tools can help reduce fire-fighting, improve productivity and secure a sustainable production base in Indonesia despite rising costs.”
Fast React Indonesia (now part of Coats Digital)
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