The Win Hanverky Group has a long history as an industry leader in manufacturing sportswear for leading global brands. The Hong Kong headquartered group has manufacturing facilities in mainland China and Vietnam with sales in 2011 reaching HK$2,937 million. A focus on sportswear integrated production facilities including printing and embroidery, plus LEAN production methods has enabled tight control throughout the entire production process. However, with manufacturing capacity focused in mainland China, the ever increasing minimum wage and shortage of labour have recently pushed up the labour costs by more than 25%.
With this relentless pressure on margins, Bowker Asia Ltd, a subsidiary of the Win Hanverkey Group, is constantly looking at ways to further improve productivity and to achieve the ever shorter lead times demanded by customers. In this latest initiative, Bowker has partnered with Fast React Systems (now part of Coats Digital) to implement the FastReactPlan solution for improved capacity management, visibility and control. The solution houses all the latest features, including:
- High level strategic capacity planning for forecast and firm orders
- Dynamic JIT/Pull system material demand planning and full visibility of material supply vs. plan
- Integration with other internal and external data sources to reduce data entry
- Detailed line level plan at factory level with collaborative planning for fast and reliable communication between head office and factories
- Capacity management, scheduling and WIP control of embroidery, printing and other special processes
- Key Performance Indicator (KPI) recording and trend analysis
“FastReactPlan will enable us to respond quickly to the ever-changing market demand by allocating resources effectively. We expect to improve the overall working efficiency by monitoring and compressing the time of internal and external operation flow. After research we can see FastReactPlan offer the best support for our industry to give total visibility of the whole process from initial sales forecast through production to finished goods delivery.”
Mr Ian Lee, Chief Operating Officer,
Bowker Asia
Simon Gibson, Managing Director, Coats Digital commented “Win Hanverky’s decision to move ahead with FastReactPlan is further acknowledgement that our fashion industry specific solution, a multi-lingual, Asia based team and our business benefit driven approach is a winning formula.”
“Our KPI based approach to project management, plus careful training at all levels from planner to top management, ensures that the project goals are met and encourages a continuous improvement culture to drive benefits long after the initial system implementation.”
Simon Gibson, Managing Director
Fast React Asia (now part of Coats Digital)
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